Equal Opportunities Policy

Home Equal Opportunities Policy
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Policy Overview

American University of Business and Social Science operates under a strict Equal Opportunities Policy. Below is a copy of this policy for the organisation.
Statement of Equality Opportunity

American University of Business and Social Science is fully committed to the principle of equal opportunities in recruitment and employment and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination including those on the grounds of:

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master degree programs in business management


master degree programs in business management

Ethnic or national origin

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HIV status

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Marital status

master degree programs in business management


master degree programs in business management


master degree programs in business management


master degree programs in business management

Nationality (including citizenship)

master degree programs in business management

Sexual orientation


American University of Business and Social Science aims to treat all employees and students with dignity and respect and provide a working/learning environment free from all discrimination. It will conduct its affairs at all times in a manner that is consistent with this aim.
American University of Business and Social Science believes that it is in the organisations best interests, and of those that work/study in it, to ensure that the human resources, talents and skills available throughout the country are considered when employment opportunities arise.



To this end, within the framework of the law, American University of Business and Social Science is
committed to achieving and maintaining, whenever practicable, a workforce which broadly reflects the
entire country.

Every possible step will be taken to ensure that employees and job applicants are treated equally and
fairly and that decisions on recruitment, selection, training, promotion, pay and career management are
based solely on objective and job related criteria.



American University of Business and Social Science will comply both with the spirit as well as the letter of legislation. The existence of law cannot of itself ensure that any policy of non-discrimination will work effectively – it is up to the Management, employees and students themselves to promote equality of opportunity for everyone.


Criteria for dismissal

Criteria for dismissal, including redundancy and expulsion will be solely those consistent with the provisions of American University of Business and Social Science Disciplinary (Misconduct) Policy.

Individual employees

Individual employees, therefore, at all levels are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct, in the exercise of American University of Business and Social Science’s affairs, is consistent with this equal opportunity policy. In particular they must not:

Discriminate against colleagues, other employees, job applicants or students or harass them;

Induce, or attempt to induce, other employees/students to practice unlawful discrimination;

Victimise individuals who have made allegations or complaints of discrimination or provided information about such discrimination.

Management and supervisors

Management and supervisors at all levels are expected to set an example in non-discriminatory
behaviour and to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that employees/students act in accordance
with this policy.

social sciences degree

Monitoring of the Policy : American University of Business and Social Science supports the principle and use of monitoring to ensure the effective operation of the policy. This will be undertaken by the Equal Opportunities Development Officer who will report their findings annually to the Management. All monitoring will respect the confidentiality of the individuals concerned.

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Breaches of the Policy : American University of Business and Social Science will treat seriously any breaches of this policy and all instances of actual, or alleged inappropriate behaviour, will be fully investigated and may be subject to American University of Business and Social Science’s disciplinary procedures.

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Grievances : Grievances concerning discrimination will be investigated in accordance with American University of Business and Social Science’s normal Grievance Procedure.

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Training : American University of Business and Social Science will identify any scope for the provision of training and encouragement to assist in overcoming barriers to progression and appointment.

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In order to achieve effective implementation of the policy, American University of Business and Social Science will ensure that this Policy Statement is bought to the attention of all employees/students.